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Trends in the Number of Valence Electrons
The table below for the main group elements is set out just like the Periodic Table of the elements.
The electronic configuration in shell notation is given for an atom of each of the elements.
The electrons in the valence shell (highest energy level) are given in red.
Can you see a pattern, or trend, in the electronic configuration of the atoms in each group and in each period?
symbol electron configuration in shells (valence shell electrons, the number of electrons in the highest energy level, shown in red) |
Group 1 (IA) |
Group 2 (IIA) |
Group 13 (IIIA) |
Group 14 (IVA) |
Group 15 (VA) |
Group 16 (VIA) |
Group 17 (VIIA) |
Group 18 (VIIIA or 0) |
Li 2,1 |
Be 2,2 |
B 2,3 |
C 2,4 |
N 2,5 |
O 2,6 |
F 2,7 |
Ne 2,8 |
Na 2,8,1 |
Mg 2,8,2 |
Al 2,8,3 |
Si 2,8,4 |
P 2,8,5 |
S 2,8,6 |
Cl 2,8,7 |
Ar 2,8,8 |
K 2,8,8,1 |
Ca 2,8,8,2 |
Ga 2,8,18,3 |
Ge 2,8,18,4 |
As 2,8,18,5 |
Se 2,8,18,6 |
Br 2,8,18,7 |
Kr 2,8,18,8 |
Rb 2,8,18,8,1 |
Sr 2,8,18,8,2 |
In 2,8,18,18,3 |
Sn 2,8,18,18,4 |
Sb 2,8,18,18,5 |
Te 2,8,18,18,6 |
I 2,8,18,18,7 |
Xe 2,8,18,18,8 |
Cs 2,8,18,18,8,1 |
Ba 2,8,18,18,8,2 |
Tl 2,8,18,32,18,3 |
Pb 2,8,18,32,18,4 |
Bi 2,8,18,32,18,5 |
Po 2,8,18,32,18,6 |
At 2,8,18,32,18,7 |
Rn 2,8,18,32,18,8 |
Fr 2,8,18,32,18,8,1 |
Ra 2,8,18,32,18,8,2 |
1 valence electron |
2 valence electrons |
3 valence electrons |
4 valence electrons |
5 valence electrons |
6 valence electrons |
7 valence electrons |
8 valence electrons (EXCEPTION He has 2 valence electrons) |
You should see two patterns, or trends:
- Elements in the same Group have the same number of valence shell electrons.
Group | 1 (IA) | 2 (IIA) | 13 (IIIA) | 14 (IVA) | 15 (VA) | 16 (VIA) | 17 (VIIA) | 18 (VIIIA or 0) |
Number of valence electrons | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 2 |
- Across a period of the Periodic Table from left to right the number of valence electrons increases.2
Group | 1 (IA) | 2 (IIA) | 13 (IIIA) | 14 (IVA) | 15 (VA) | 16 (VIA) | 17 (VIIA) | 18 (VIIIA or 0) |
Number of valence electrons | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 2 |
Trend: | lowest number of valence electrons | → | → | → | → | → | → | highest number of valence electrons |
Trends in Energy of Valence Electrons
In the table below, the electronic configuration of only the valence electrons is given using subshell notation.
Can you find a pattern, or trend, in the energy levels occupied by the valence electrons?
symbol position of valence shell electrons (energy level of valence electrons shown in red) |
Period |
Group 1 (IA) |
Group 2 IIA |
Group 13 (IIIA) |
Group 14 (IVA) |
Group 15 (VA) |
Group 16 (VIA) |
Group 17 (VIIA) |
Group 18 (VIIIA or 0) |
Energy Level of Valence Electrons |
Trend |
1 |
He 1s2 |
1 (K shell) |
Lowest Energy ↓ |
2 |
Li 2s1 |
Be 2s2 |
B 2s22p1 |
C 2s22p2 |
N 2s22p3 |
O 2s22p4 |
F 2s22p5 |
Ne 2s22p6 |
2 (L shell) |
↓ |
3 |
Na 3s1 |
Mg 3s2 |
Al 3s23p1 |
Si 3s23p2 |
P 3s23p3 |
S 3s23p4 |
Cl 3s23p5 |
Ar 3s23p6 |
3 (M shell) |
↓ |
4 |
K 4s1 |
Ca 4s2 |
Ga 4s24p1 |
Ge 4s24p2 |
As 4s24p3 |
Se 4s24p4 |
Br 4s24p5 |
Kr 4s24p6 |
4 (N shell) |
↓ |
5 |
Rb 5s1 |
Sr 5s2 |
In 5s25p1 |
Sn 5s25p2 |
Sb 5s25p3 |
Te 5s25p4 |
I 5s25p5 |
Xe 5s25p6 |
5 (O shell) |
↓ |
6 |
Cs 6s1 |
Ba 6s2 |
Tl 6s26p1 |
Pb 6s26p2 |
Bi 6s26p3 |
Po 6s26p4 |
At 6s26p5 |
Rn 6s26p6 |
6 (P shell) |
↓ |
7 |
Fr 7s1 |
Ra 7s2 |
7 (Q shell) |
↓ Highest Energy |
You should see two patterns, or trends, in the energy levels of the valence electrons:
- The valence shell electrons of elements in the same period of the Periodic Table occupy the same energy level:
Period | Energy Level of Valence Electrons | Valence Shell |
1 | 1 | K |
2 | 2 | L |
3 | 3 | M |
4 | 4 | N |
5 | 5 | O |
6 | 6 | P |
7 | 7 | Q |
- Down a Group of the Periodic Table from top to bottom, the energy of the valence electrons increases:
Energy Level of Valence Electrons in a Group | Trend |
2 | lowest energy |
3 | ↓ |
4 | ↓ |
5 | ↓ |
6 | ↓ |
7 | highest energy |