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About AUS-e-TUTE Membership (2025-2026)

Information about AUS-e-TUTE Membership

This page includes information for:

(1) people who want to know about AUS-e-TUTE membership

(what you get, how to join, etc)

(2) current AUS-e-TUTE members

(how to log-in, what to do if you have a problem, etc)

Scroll down the page to read ALL the information, or, click one of the "quick links" below to go to that section of the page:

About AUS-e-TUTE Membership for people who are not AUS-e-TUTE members

Types of AUS-e-TUTE membership

(1) Student Membership

(2) Teacher Membership

(3) Group Membership

Types of AUS-e-TUTE Teaching and Learning Resources

Common Questions About Membership

· How do I know if AUS-e-TUTE has resources for my Chemistry Course (chemistry topics)?

· What do I need to Access AUS-e-TUTE's Resources for Members?

· How to Become an AUS-e-TUTE Member

· Privacy

· How often will AUS-e-TUTE email me?

· How to find out more about AUS-e-TUTE Membership

Information for AUS-e-TUTE Members

How Members Log-in to use the Teaching and Learning Resources

How to find and access the Teaching and Learning Resources relevant to you

Can I link to a particular resource from our School's website (or other website)?

What to do if you can't find the resources you need, or, want to suggest new topics and/or resources

What to do if you think you have found an "error" or "mistake" on our website

What to do if you forget your username and/or password

What to do if you have a problem accessing or using AUS-e-TUTE's Members ONLY resources

What to do if you want to change your membership from one type to another

What to do if you need to change the details of your membership

How to renew your membership

How do I cancel my membership?

What to do if you can't find the answer to your question on this page

Types of AUS-e-TUTE Membership

All AUS-e-TUTE memberships are annual memberships:

If you join AUS-e-TUTE on 10th June 2025 then your membership expires on 10th June 2026.

There are 3 types of AUS-e-TUTE Membership:

(1) Student Membership (for 1 student for 1 year)

(2) Teacher Membership (for 1 teacher for 1 year)

(3) Group Membership (for a group of students and their teacher(s) for 1 year)

The type of membership you choose will determine which AUS-e-TUTE resources you have access to.

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About Student Membership

A "Student Membership" is designed to give you, an individual chemistry student, access to the resources that will help you learn chemistry concepts and skills, and apply that understanding to solving the types of problems you will find on chemistry exams.

If you are a parent undertaking "home schooling" with your child, a "Student Membership" is probably the best option for you.
If you would like to discuss other options, please contact us.

The AUS-e-TUTE learning resources an individual student member has access to include:

(1) Tutorials

(2) Games

(3) Tests

(4) Exams

(5) Drills

(6) Homework Checkers

"Student members" also receive a:

⚛ monthly email from AUS-e-TUTE to inform you of updates to the website

⚛ quarterly newsletter, AUS-e-NEWS

A "Student Membership" does not give you access to teaching resources (worksheet wizards, quiz wizards, interactive learning activites, stimulus resources, card games, problem-solving templates).

A "Student Membership" is unsuitable for teachers (unless you are a teacher who has never studied, or taught, chemistry and would therefore like access to resources that will help you understand the concepts and skills you will need to teach).

A "Student Membership" costs $50(AUD) per year.

You can convert $50(AUD) to another currency, for example, US, Canadian or New Zealand dollars, or British pounds, on the Registration page.

You can register as an AUS-e-TUTE "Student Member" on the Registration page.

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About Teacher Membership

"Teacher Membership" is designed to give you, as an individual chemistry teacher, access to :

(1) Worksheet Wizards

(2) Card Games

(3) Problem Solving Templates

"Teacher members" also receive a:

⚛ monthly email from AUS-e-TUTE to inform you of updates to the website

⚛ quarterly newsletter, AUS-e-NEWS

A "Teacher Membership" does not give you, nor your students, access to games, tests, exams, drills, homework checkers, quiz wizards, interactive learning activities, or stimulus resources.

If you want you and your students to be able to access all these other Teaching and Learning Resources then you will need a Group Membership.

A "Teacher Membership" is unsuitable for students.

A "Teacher Membership" costs $75(AUD) per year.

You can convert $75(AUD) to another currency, for example, US, Canadian or New Zealand dollars, or British pounds, on the Registration page.

If you would like to register as a "Teacher Member" download and save either of the registration forms below:

Teacher registration form (word document, 164 KB)

Teacher registration form (pdf document, 367 KB)

You will need to complete the registration form and email it to us.
Instructions are provided on the form.

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About Group Membership

A "Group Membership" is designed to give a group of chemistry students and their teacher(s) access to the resources relevant to them as students and teachers of chemistry.

A "group" can be:

⚛ a class of chemistry students and their teacher

⚛ more than one class of chemistry students and all the chemistry teachers

⚛ a chemistry tutor and his/her students

All the students and teachers in a "Group Membership" have access to:

(1) Tutorials

(2) Games

(3) Tests

(4) Exams

(5) Drills

(6) Homework Checkers

(7) Flash Cards

(8) Pracs: Demonstrations and Experiments

(9) Quiz Wizards

(10) Interactive Learning Activities

(11) Stimulus Resources

Teachers registered with a "group" also have access to:

(1) Worksheet Wizards

(2) Card Games

(3) Problem Solving Templates

Teachers included in a "group membership" also receive a:

⚛ monthly email from AUS-e-TUTE to inform you of updates to the website

⚛ quarterly newsletter, AUS-e-NEWS

A "Group Membership" costs $10(AUD) per student per year.

Cost of an annual "Group Membership" = number of students × $10(AUD)

You can convert the cost of your "Group Membership" in Australian dollars to another currency, for example, US, Canadian or New Zealand dollars, or British pounds, on the Registration page.

To register as a "Group Member" download and save either of the registration forms below:

Group registration form (word document, 163 KB)

Group registration form (pdf document, 524 KB)

You will need to complete the registration form and email it to us.
Instructions are provided on the form.

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About AUS-e-TUTE's Teaching and Learning Resources

For each chemical concept or skill, there are number of different types of resources available.

These resources are divided into two different categories of resources:

(I) Learning Resources:

Learning resources are designed to help a student understand a chemical concept or skill and help them apply their understanding to solve problems in chemistry.
These resources help students help themselves, that is, to help students become more autonomous learners.

(II) Teaching Resources:

Teaching resources are designed to help chemistry teachers teach chemistry by providing resources to stimulate interest, provide a problem-solving framework, and to test their students' abilities to solve problems.

The teaching and learning resources available in each category include:

A resource type that is interactive indicates that the resource requires the student to perform an action, for example by entering information, clicking buttons, moving items on the page, etc.
These resources (interactive) can not be printed or saved.
You must be online and logged-in to the AUS-e-TUTE website to access these resources (interactive).

The only resources that can be "printed" are the worksheets you make using "worksheet wizards", the "card games", "problem-solving templates" and the "Pracs".

The "results" of a student's online quiz can also be saved and/or printed.

Note that not every tutorial has a corresponding complete set of all these Teaching and Learning resources, but new resources are regularly added to the website.

No advertisements (ads) are displayed in the Members ONLY areas of the AUS-e-TUTE website.

Advertisements (ads) are only displayed on the "free-to-view" areas of the website which are available to non-members.


A "tutorial" is a learning resource that targets a particular chemistry concept or skill.
Tutorials are designed for High School Chemistry students, or first year university students (who have very little previous knowledge of chemistry).

A number of "tutorials" are available as a "free-to-view" resource (AUS-e-TUTE membership is not required to access these "free tutorials").
The list of these "free tutorials" is available on AUS-e-TUTE's homepage

In general, tutorials have the following structure:

⚛ Key Concepts which are a summary of the main ideas, concepts and/or skills, covered in the tutorial.

⚛ In depth explanation, and/or derivation, of the concept and/or skill.

⚛ Worked examples of applying this concept and/or skill to solving problems.

If the text of the tutorial refers to a different concept or skill, a link is provided to the tutorial on that concept or skill.

If a concept, quantity or "law" has a number of alternative names in common use, we have tried to include these alternative names in the tutorial. Similarly, if alternative spellings are in common use and are acceptable IUPAC spellings, these are also included in the tutorial.

In the areas of nomenclature, we follow IUPAC recommendations (but we include other names in common use, or previous names that are no longer recommended by IUPAC but that the student may encounter in older literature or non-chemistry literature).

In general, the worked examples all follow the same problem solving strategy which we refer to as the StoPGoPS approach.
This strategy provides a framework for how to solve problems in chemistry and includes a step for students to reflect on their solution to a problem and see if it is sensible before moving on to the next problem.

Each tutorial in the Members ONLY area of AUS-e-TUTE's website contains links to the other learning resources corresponding to this tutorial such as games, tests, exams, drills, and homework checkers.

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In general, a "game" is a learning resource designed to test a student's knowledge of a concept or skill.

Student Members, and students and teachers who are registered with a Group, have access to "games".
Teachers who register as a Teacher Member DO NOT have access to "games".

For each tutorial there will be a corresponding game.
Each "game" should take a student up to 10 minutes to play (depending on the type of game and the student's knowledge of the topic).

There are numerous different types of "games" available to members.
The type of game available for a tutorial is based on the type of concept and/or skill being addressed.

In many of the games, an individual student competes against the computer in a game.
The student must answer a question correctly in order to make a move in the game.

Other games might require a student to place items in the correct order, or to move items to the corresponding category, or to match an item to another item or category.

If a student performs poorly in a "game", then they should review the information in the "Key Concepts" and "Explanation" section of the corresponding tutorial.

If a student performs well in a "game", they should move onto the corresponding "test".

Each game in the Members ONLY area of AUS-e-TUTE's website contains links to the other learning resources corresponding to this game such as the tutorial, test(s), exam(s), drill, and homework checker.

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For each tutorial there is at least one corresponding test.

A "test" is a learning resource designed to test a student's understanding of the concept and/or skill.

Student Members, and students and teachers who are registered with a Group, have access to "tests".
Teachers who register as a Teacher Member DO NOT have access to "tests".

In general, each test contains 10 questions in a similar format and can be completed in about 20 minutes (depending on the ability of the student and the complexity of the concept and/or skill being tested).

As soon as the student answers a question, they are given immediate feedback.

If they have answered the question correctly, the feedback given is that the answer is correct.

If they have answered the question incorrectly, the feedback includes a worked solution to the question.
The student should compare their answer with the worked solution in order to identify where they went wrong and why before proceeding to the next question.

If a student performs poorly on the test(s), they should review the worked example section of the corresponding tutorial.
The student may also benefit from answering the questions in the corresponding "drill" before moving on to the corresponding "exam".

If a student performs well on the test(s), they should move onto the corresponding exam.

Each test in the Members ONLY area of AUS-e-TUTE's website contains links to the other learning resources corresponding to this test such as the tutorial, game, exam(s), drill, and homework checker.

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An "exam" is a learning resource designed to examine a student's ability to apply their knowledge and understanding of a concept and/or skill to solve problems.

Student Members, and students and teachers who are registered with a Group, have access to "exams".
Teachers who register as a Teacher Member DO NOT have access to "exams".

Each exam question relates directly to the information in the corresponding tutorial, but may draw on knowledge and understanding of other concepts and/or skills as well.

A typical "exam" is a set of 10 questions and should take about 30 minutes to complete (depending on the ability of the student and the complexity of the concept and/or skill being examined).

In general, each "exam" has the following format:

⚛ a few multiple choice questions

⚛ a few short answer questions

⚛ a few longer response questions

As soon as a student answers a question they will receive immediate feedback about their answer.

If they have answered the question correctly, the feedback given is that the answer is correct.

If they have answered the question incorrectly, the feedback includes a worked solution to the question.
The student should compare their answer with the worked solution in order to identify where they went wrong and why before proceeding to the next question.

If a student has trouble answering "exam" questions, the teacher may direct them to the corresponding "interactive learning activity" (only available to Group members).

Each exam in the Members ONLY area of AUS-e-TUTE's website contains links to the other learning resources corresponding to this exam such as the tutorial, game, test(s), drill, and homework checker.

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A "drill" is a learning resource that provides a student with endless practice at answering questions based on a particular concept and/or skill.
"Drills" are particularly useful in helping students gain confidence in calculations or in nomenclature.

Student Members, and students and teachers who are registered with a Group, have access to "drills".
Teachers who register as a Teacher Member DO NOT have access to "drills".

Questions are presented to the student one at a time.
If the student answers correctly, they are given feedback to this effect and can get a new question to answer.
If a student answers incorrectly, they are given feedback to this effect, and should try again.
If the student still answers the question incorrectly they may choose to display a worked solution.
The student should study the approach given to solve the problem and use this as a framework to answer the next question.

A tally is kept of how many questions the student has attempted, and how many of those questions were answered correctly.

"Drills" are particularly useful for a student who has struggled to answer the questions in the corresponding test correctly.
As the student answers drill questions, reviews the worked solutions, and answers more drill questions, they should see the number of correct responses increase, and hence gain more confidence in their ability to answer these questions.
When the student feels sufficiently confident, they should attempt the corresponding "test" again.

Each drill in the Members ONLY area of AUS-e-TUTE's website contains links to the other learning resources corresponding to this drill such as the tutorial, game, test(s), exam(s), and homework checker.

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Homework Checkers

"Homework Checkers" are a learning resource available for a number of tutorial topics, especially calculation-based topics.

Student Members, and students and teachers who are registered with a Group, have access to "homework checkers".
Teachers who register as a Teacher Member DO NOT have access to "homework checkers".

As the name suggests, the student can enter the data for the calculation into the corresponding fields, then click a button to be shown the relevant calculation and answer.
This enables the student to compare his/her calculation and answer with the answer given by the "homework checker".
These resources are designed to help students help themselves (become more autonomous learners).

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Flash Cards

Flash cards are a learning resource available for concepts that need to memorised. These are an electronic version of the paper flash cards you are probably already familiar with.

"Flash cards" are only available to students and their teachers who have registered with a Group (Group membership).
Student members and teachers registered as as Teacher Members) DO NOT have access to "flash cards".

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Worksheet Wizards

"Worksheet wizards" are a teaching resource designed to help teachers quickly make a printable worksheet or quiz for their students.

"Worksheet wizards" are only available to teachers who have registered as a Teacher Member, or, as teachers who have registered with a Group Membership.
Students (either Student members or students who are part of a Group membership) DO NOT have access to "worksheet wizards".

Each "worksheet wizard" is linked to the concept and/or skill targeted in a particular tutorial.

A teacher clicks on the link to the "worksheet wizard", enters the number of questions they want on the worksheet, then clicks the "Prepare Worksheet" button.
The printable worksheet opens in a new window (or a new tab, depending on your browser).

You can watch our YouTube video of how to make a worksheet here.
(Video will open in a new window, or new tab, depending on your browser)

Note that every time you prepare a "worksheet" on the same topic you will get a different, but similar, set of questions. No two "worksheets" you prepare using the same "worksheet wizard" will be the same.

Each "worksheet" you prepare will be made up of 3 sections:

(i) A set of numbered questions (1, 2, 3, ... etc)

(ii) A list of URLs to the corresponding AUS-e-TUTE learning resources

("learning resources" are only accessible by Student and Group Members)

(iii) The answer to each question (numbered 1, 2, 3 .... etc)

If your students will need access to other resources or equipment, such as a Periodic Table, calculator, or data sheet, then the URLs for these resources available online to members will also be included in their own section on the prepared "worksheet".

Teachers are using the "worksheet wizards" to prepare:

⚛ worksheets for their students to complete at school or at home.

Print off the prepared "worksheet" and make the required number of copies of the entire "worksheet" for students (questions, learning resource URLs, and answers).

⚛ quizzes for the students to complete at school or at home.

Print off the prepared "worksheet" then cut off the answer section before making the required number of copies for students so that students have only the questions (with or without the learning resource URLs section) but do not have the answers.
Some teachers prefer to mark these quizzes themselves using the cut-off answer section, others get the students to mark their own quiz by displaying the answers at the end of the quiz.

Alternatively, some teachers make the required number of copies of the "worksheet" for their students and then cut off the answer section. The students are given the quiz, then, when they have completed the quiz, they are given the answers (with or without the URLs to the corresponding learning resources) so they can mark their own work.
Note that if you have registered with a Group, you can provide the students with the learning resource URLs so they can go to the relevant tutorial, game, test(s), exam(s) and drill to help them identify where they went wrong and why).

If you would prefer your students to do their "worksheet" (or quiz) online, then you should use AUS-e-TUTE's Quiz Wizards.

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Quiz Wizards

"Quiz wizards" are a teaching resource designed to help teachers gauge their students' knowledge and understanding of a topic.

"Quiz wizards" are only available to students and teachers who have registered with a Group.
Individual Student Members and individual Teacher Members DO NOT have access to "Quiz wizards".

Each "Quiz wizard" produces a set of multiple choice and/or short-answer questions based on the concept and/or skill targeted in a particular tutorial.

Each student clicks on the relevant "Quiz wizard" link, enters their name, email address to send quiz results, and the number of questions, then clicks the "begin quiz" button.

Questions are presented to the student one at a time.
When the student has responded to the question the next question appears.
Note that answers are NOT displayed for the "quiz" questions, and there are no worked solutions for the student to review.
At the end of the quiz the student's results appear in a new window, including a link to the relevant tutorial so that a student who has performed poorly on the "quiz" can revise the concept and/or skill.
The student may:

⚛ Print off his/her results

⚛ Save his/her results

⚛ Email his/her results to the teacher

Note that a different, but similar, set of questions is produced every time the "begin quiz" button is clicked.
This means that each student receives a similar, but different, set of questions even if they are all doing the quiz at the same time. (Helps to solve any possible 'cheating' problems.)
This also means that a student can repeat the "quiz" and get a different, but similar, set of questions the next time.
This is particularly useful for students who performed poorly the first time, then reviewed the tutorial, game, test(s), exam(s) and/or drill(s) before making a second attempt at the "quiz".

If you would like to see how easy it is use these "Quiz wizards" you can watch the YouTube video.
(Video opens in a new window, or a new tab, depending on your browser.)

Teachers are using the "Quiz wizards" in different ways:

⚛ as a quiz during class time to guage students' understanding and knowledge of a topic

⚛ as a quiz to be completed at home to guage students' understanding and knowledge of a topic

⚛ as homework with one or more students who have fallen behind (or moved ahead of) the other students in the class so that students can more effectively work at their own pace

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Interactive Learning Activities

"Interactive Learning Activities" are a teaching resource that provide a scaffolded approach to applying a concept and/or skill in order to solve problems.

"Interactive learning activities" are only available to students and teachers who have registered with a Group.
Individual Student Members and individual Teacher Members DO NOT have access to "interactive learning activities".

Each "interactive learning activity" is based on the concept and/or skill in a tutorial.

The student is presented with the problem to solve, and the rationale behind solving the problem.
The student is then provided with the first step in solving the problem.
If the student does not successfully complete the first step, further assistance is provided.
When the student successfully completes the first step, the next step appears.
The student is therefore guided, step-by-step, through the problem solving process until the problem is solved.

Teachers are using the "interactive learning activities" to

⚛ help students who are struggling to solve problems on a particular topic

⚛ allow students to move through the teaching program at an accelerated rate

⚛ provide their students with meaningful learning activites when the teacher is absent from Class

Note that these "interactive learning activities" are a new type of resource being added to AUS-e-TUTE's members only area and so are still limited in number.

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Stimulus Resources

"Stimulus resources" are teaching resources designed to stimulate interest in a particular topic.

"Stimulus resources" are only available to students and teachers who have registered with a Group.
Individual Student Members and individual Teacher Members DO NOT have access to "stimulus resources".

In general, "stimulus resources" take the form of:

⚛ a short article relevant to the topics that are studied in High School Chemistry or Introductory University Chemistry Courses

⚛ a list of AUS-e-TUTE tutorial(s) relevant to the article

⚛ some suggested questions for the students to answer about the chemistry in the article

⚛ suggestions for practical investigations that the students could design and perform themselves

The article may look at an interesting historical incident, or, at recent developments in chemistry, or it may look at the chemistry of a useful mixture, element or compound, or, at the development and/or application of a particular model or law. New "stimulus resources" are added regularly.
Because these articles relate to chemistry in the real world, they usually have a focus on one topic but will also call on students' knowledge and understanding of other topics.

Teachers are using "stimulus resources" in different ways:

⚛ to provide students with "real world" examples of chemistry in action

⚛ to help students develop the ability to pose appropriate questions about what they read, hear and see in the media and advertising (including on the internet)

⚛ to help students produce testable hypotheses

⚛ to help students design meaningful experiments to test hypotheses

⚛ to help students distinguish between, and produce, reports designed for different types of audiences

If you would like to see an example of the type of resources included in the "stimulus resources" you can subscribe to AUS-e-NEWS, AUS-e-TUTE's free quarterly online newsletter.

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Card Games

"Card games" are a teaching resource designed to give your students repetitive practice at a particular skill such as naming elements and compounds.

"Card games" are only available to teachers who have registered as a Teacher Member, or, as teachers who have registered with a Group Membership.
Students (either Student members or students who are part of a Group membership) DO NOT have access to "card games".

Each "card game" relates to the concept and/or skill in a particular tutorial.
In general, each "card game" includes the cards and a set of instructions for playing 3 games:

⚛ "Patience" ("Concentration" or "Memory Game") for 1 player

⚛ "Rummy" for 2 or more players

⚛ "Bingo" for 2 or more players

You print off the card game (and the instructions), then make the required number of "cards" for the students (if you laminate them, or place them in plastic card sleeves, they will survive longer).
Students follow the instructions provided to play one of the "card games" using these cards.

You can download an example of a "card game" for free: Inorganic Acid Names Card Game (pdf, 497 KB)

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Problem Solving Templates

Problem Solving Templates are a printable resource designed to help students develop a structured approach approach to solving problems involving a particular concept or skill.
Each template is aligned with a particular tutorial and the steps in the template reflect the steps used in the "worked examples" section of the tutorial.

"Problem Solving Templates" are only available to teachers who have registered as a Teacher Member, or, as teachers who have registered with a Group Membership.
Students (either Student members or students who are part of a Group membership) DO NOT have access to "Problem Solving Templates".

You print off the Problem Solving Templates (includes references to the other relevant learning resources on this topic), then copy the required number of "templates" for the students.

Note: If you laminate them the students can use whiteboard markers to write on them then you can wipe them clean and re-use them.

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Pracs: Demonstrations and Experiments

Practical investigations are an important part of studying chemistry so we have included some pracs that could be used when teaching particular concepts or skills.
Some of these practical activities are recommended as demonstrations only while many others could be safely undertaken by students.
Before using one of our pracs you will need to conduct your own safety checks so that they comply with your local regulations.

"Pracs" are only available to students and their teachers who have registered with a Group (Group membership).
Student members and teachers registered as as Teacher Members DO NOT have access to "pracs".

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Common Questions About AUS-e-TUTE Membership

In the following section we answer some of the most common questions people have about AUS-e-TUTE membership.

If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact us.

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How do I know if AUS-e-TUTE has resources for my Chemistry Course (chemistry topics)?

Before you join AUS-e-TUTE you will want to know that we have resources that cover the Chemistry topics you will studying or teaching, and that these resources are designed for your level of education.

Firstly, you can browse through the tutorials that are currently available free to non-members, these are listed on our index page.
If you find tutorials available for your topics, then there will be other Members ONLY resources linked to these tutorials.
The language, including equations and formulae, in the tutuorial will indicate who the resources are designed for (in general, all our resources are designed for High School Chemistry or First Year University students).

Second, you can use our "search for a resource" page which is available free to non-members to see what resources are available for your topic (use the name of your topic or a keyword or search term to search for a resource).
This page will generate a list of clickable links for each resource corresponding to your search term or keyword. This will help you see what type of resources, and the number of resources, are currently available to members on this topic. Please note that AUS-e-TUTE regularly adds new resources.
Please also note that the search results do not currently include links to "stimulus resources" or "card games".
If you are NOT an AUS-e-TUTE Member you will not be allowed access to a resource if you click on its link.
AUS-e-TUTE Members CAN use their username and password to access resources from the search results.

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What do I need to access AUS-e-TUTE's Resources for Members?

To access AUS-e-TUTE's Members ONLY resources you will need:

(1) A device connected to the internet (such as a computer, laptop or tablet)

(Yes, you can use a mobile phone. but it is not recommended because some resources like games may be wider than the screen)

(2) A current browser (we use Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Chrome Edge, and Opera, to routinely test our resources)

(Yes, you can probably use a different browser but we can't guarantee that all resources will work well on it because we don't test them on other browsers.)

(3) A username and password (provided by AUS-e-TUTE when you become an AUS-e-TUTE Member.

If you are reading this page online, and can click the "quicklinks" then you already have everything you need (except a username and password) to access AUS-e-TUTE's Members ONLY resources.

Your browser must be set up to:

⚛ allow pop-ups (pop-up windows) for ausetute.com.au

(Required to access and/or use some resources.)

⚛ allow javascript (active script)

(No javascript = no interactivity)

⚛ allow cookies for ausetute.com.au

(Some resources require a "session cookie" to be stored on your device.)

You do NOT need to download or install a program or app from AUS-e-TUTE in order to access the Members ONLY resources.

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How to Become an AUS-e-TUTE Member

This section describes how to become a:

⚛ Student Member

⚛ Teacher Member

⚛ Group Member

How to become a Student Member

Individual students should register as a Student Member to access "Learning Resources" for 1 year.

(1) Go to https://www.ausetute.com.au/register.html

(2) Read the Terms and Conditions

(3) Pay for your Student Membership. Payment options are:

(a) pay using a PayPal account

(b) pay using a credit card

(4) Paypal will email you the details of your payment and then notifies AUS-e-TUTE that a payment has been made.

(Check your junk mail box in case Paypal's email has landed in there.)

(5) After AUS-e-TUTE has been notified that you have paid for a student membership we will email you your username and password.

Note that this process can take 24 hours.
Check your junk mail box just in case our email has landed in there.
If you have not received your username and password within 24 hours, contact us
Note that our contact details are included in the email Paypal sends you.

(6) You use your username and password to access AUS-e-TUTE's Members ONLY Learning Resources

How to become a Teacher Member

Individual teachers may register as a Teacher Member giving you access ONLY to "worksheet wizards", "card games" "Problem Solving Templates" and for 1 year.

(1) Read the Terms and Conditions

(2) Download and save either of the "Teacher Registration Forms" below:

(a) Teacher registration form (word document, 164 KB)

(b) Teacher registration form (pdf document, 367 KB)

(3) You will need to complete the registration form and email it to us.

Instructions are provided on the form.

(4) AUS-e-TUTE will email you an invoice for $75(AUD).

(You can convert this to a different currency on the registration page)

(5) You pay the invoice online using a credit card or Paypal account, or by bank transfer.

Check that you have entered the correct email address before you complete the payment process.

(6) Paypal emails you the details of your payment and then notifies AUS-e-TUTE that the invoice has been paid.

(Check your junk mail box in case Paypal's email has landed in there.)

NOTE for bank transfers: it may take up to 3 days for us to be notified that money has been transferred into AUS-e-TUTE's account, so it is best to email us the remittance advice as soon as possible to speed up the process)

(7) AUS-e-TUTE emails you a username and password.

Note that this process can take 24 hours.
Check your junk mail box just in case our email has landed in there.
If you have not received your username and password within 24 hours, contact us
Our contact details are also included on the invoice.

(8) You use your username and password to access the Teachers Area of the website.

How to beome a Group Member

Groups of students and their teacher(s) can register as "Group Members" and gain access to all AUS-e-TUTE's Teaching and Learning Resources for 1 year.

(1) Read the Terms and Conditions

(2) Download and save either of the "Group Membership Registration Forms" below:

(a) Group registration form (word document, 163 KB)

(b) Group registration form (pdf document, 524 KB)

(3) You will need to complete the registration form and email it to us.

Instructions are provided on the form.

(4) AUS-e-TUTE will email the person nominated as the "Teacher Contact" on the registration form an invoice for the cost of your annual Group Membership.

cost = number of students × $10(AUD)

Please note that the minimum cost of a Group Membership is $100(AUD), that is, if you have a Group of less than 10 students we will still charge you $100(AUD)

(You can convert this to a different currency on the registration page)

(5) You (or your department head or your School's bursor) pay the invoice using the payment option selected on the registration form.

(6)(a) For online credit card payments, Paypal emails you the details of your payment and then notifies AUS-e-TUTE that a payment has been made.

(Check your junk mail box in case Paypal's email has landed in there.)

(b) For payments made by electronic funds transfer (direct debit), you must email AUS-e-TUTE the "remittance advice" as proof of payment as soon as possible.

(7) Once AUS-e-TUTE is notified that a payment has been made, we email the "Contact Teacher" a list of usernames and passwords.

Note that this process can take 48 hours (depending on the time of year and the number of Group Registrations we are receiving).
Check your junk mail box just in case our email has landed in there.
If you have not received your username and password within 48 hours contact us
Our contact details are also included in the invoice.

(8) Students and teachers use their own username and password to access AUS-e-TUTE's teaching and learning resources

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AUS-e-TUTE takes your privacy concerns seriously.
The information below is not intended to be a legal document, it is a description of our position with regards to your privacy.

Any personal details you provide to us, such as your name, email address, street address, phone number, Paypal or credit card details, etc, are NOT stored on our website.
The only details that need to be stored on our website are your username and password.
The benefit is that if our webiste were hacked, your personal details are safe.
The disadvantage is that if you forget your username and password you will need to email us and request we email it to you.
(See the "What to do if you forget your username and/or password" section below.)

AUS-e-TUTE does maintain an offline database of Members' details, AUS-e-NEWS subscribers, and of people who have requested information about membership.

AUS-e-TUTE does NOT sell our database (of members, membership information requests, AUS-e-NEWS subscribers, etc) to anyone.
Neither do we share this information, nor do we give away this information away for free.

We do collect statistical information regarding useage of our resources which we use (along with feedback from members) to improve our resources.

The "free-to-view" part of the website, including this page, are available to non-members and members and these pages contain advertising (ads) provided by Googleads.
Google and its advertisers may be collecting some data about you and sharing that data.
You will need to refer to Google and its advertisers to find out more about this.

AUS-e-TUTE uses a third party website to handle Membership Enquiry forms.
This third party website may at some time share the information you provide.
If you believe this is so, please contact us and explain why you think there is a problem and we will move this form to a different third party website.

You can download and read our Privacy Policy.

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How often will AUS-e-TUTE email me?

After you become an AUS-e-TUTE Member, we will send you an email once per month to notify you of updates to the website, and, to email you our quarterly newsletter (AUS-e-NEWS).

You will also receive a reminder when your membership is due to expire, and, instructions for how to renew your membership:

⚛ For individual "Student Members" and "Teacher Members" this will be a week before your membership expires.

⚛ For a "Group" membership we will email the person nominated as the Contact Teacher a month before the "Group Membership" expires, and send another reminder a week before the membership expires.

If you choose not to renew your membership, we will also send you an email after your membership has expired to remind you that you no longer have access to AUS-e-TUTE's Members ONLY teaching and learning resources.

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Find Out More About AUS-e-TUTE Membership

If you have any questions about AUS-e-TUTE Membership, please contact us.

If you would like access to a demonstration of AUS-e-TUTE's Teaching and Learning Resources, complete the "Membership Enquiries" form on the contact page

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Information for Members

In the following section we provide information for AUS-e-TUTE members:

⚛ How to log-in and find resources

⚛ What to do if you experience problems logging-in or using resources

If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact us.

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How to Log-in to Use AUS-e-TUTE's Members ONLY Teaching and Learning Resources

The type of membership you chose (Student, Teacher or Group) determines which Teaching and Learning Resources you have access to, and also, to how you can log-in to access these resources.

Before you log-in, ensure that your browser will allow:

(1) pop-ups (pop-up windows) for ausetute.com.au

(If pop-ups are disabled you may not get the pop-box to enter your username and password)

(2) javascript (and/or or active script)

(If javascript is disabled the website will NOT be interactive!)

(3) cookies for ausetute.com.au

(Some resources use session cookies to store information relevant to your session.)

Please note that your username and password are both CaSe SenSiTivE.
This means that typing in "username" is not the same as typing in "USERNAME".
Make sure that you are using the correct username and password before you try to log-in.

How "Student Members" log-in

(1) Go to https://www.ausetute.com.au/index.html

(2) Click the "Member Log-in" button at the top of the page under the AUS-e-TUTE banner.

(3) In the pop-up box :

(i) Enter your username

(ii) Enter your password

(iii) Click the "OK" or "done" button (depending on your browser)

(4) You will then be taken to the index page of the Members ONLY area of the website ("Resources Centre").

(The next section describes how to find and access the resources you want.)

How "Teacher Members" log-in

(1) Go to https://www.ausetute.com.au/index.html

(2) Click the "Teacher Log-in" button at the top of the page under the AUS-e-TUTE banner.

(3) In the pop-up box :

(i) Enter your username

(ii) Enter your password

(iii) Click the "OK" or "done" button (depending on your browser)

(4) You will then be taken to the index page of the Teacher ONLY area of the website (Teacher Resources Centre).

(The next section describes how to find and access the resources you want.)

How Students and Teachers of a "Group Membership" log-in

(1) Go to https://www.ausetute.com.au/index.html

(2) Click the "Member Log-in" button at the top of the page under the AUS-e-TUTE banner.

(3) In the pop-up box :

(i) Enter your username

(ii) Enter your password

(iii) Click the "OK" or "done" button (depending on your browser)

(4) You will then be taken to the index page of the Members ONLY area of the website (Resources Centre).

(The next section describes how to find and access the resources you want.)

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How to Find and Access the Teaching and Learning Resources Relevant to You

The type of membership you chose (Student, Teacher or Group) determines which Teaching and Learning Resources you have access to.

After you log-in, you will find yourself on an index page:

⚛ If you clicked the "Member log-in" button you will be on the index page of the Members ONLY area (Resources Centre)

⚛ If you clicked the "Teacher log-in" button you will be on the index page of the Teachers ONLY area of the website (Teacher Resources Centre)

How to Find and Access a Resource from the Members ONLY index page (Resources Centre)

This page provides a complete list of links to all AUS-e-TUTE's Teaching and Learning Resources, organised by branch of Chemistry and topic.

There are several different ways you can find a relevant resource:

⚛ Scroll through the list of branches and topics to find what you want:

For example: under the branch heading "Introduction to Chemistry" you will find the topic "Stoichiometry" and then to a set of "Percentage Composition" links to the Tutorial, Game, Test, Exam, Drill, Homework Checker, Interactive Learning Activity, Stimulus Resources, Quiz Wizard and Worksheet Wizard.

Any student, or student or teacher registered with a "Group", can click on the Tutorial, Game, Test, Exam, Drill or Homework Checker, link to be taken directly to that resource.

Students and teachers registered with a "Group" can also click on the Interactive Learning Activity, Stimulus Resources, and Quiz Wizard links to be taken to that resource.
Note that the first time in a session that you click one of these links you will be asked to enter your username and password (because you are entering a different area of the website)

Teachers registered with a "Group" can also click the Worksheet Wizard link to be taken to the resource that will make a printable worksheet, or, a "card game" link to open up the printable card game resource.
Note that the first time in a session that you click one of these links you will be asked to enter your username and password (because you are entering a different area of the website)

⚛ Use the "Quicklinks" provided at the top of the page to go to the relevant topic, then scroll down through the list of resources, clicking any that you can access as described in the dot-point above.

For example, clicking the "Stoichiometry" "quicklink" will take you to the "Stoichiometry" section, scrolling down this section you will come to the "percentage composition" set of resource links.

⚛ Use the "find on this page" (or "find in this page", or "find") tool in your browser to enter a keyword and let your browser find the set of resources on this topic for you.

For example, enter percentage and the browser will find all our resources that include "percentage" in the name. Click on the type of resource you want to access as described in the first dot-point above.

⚛ Use AUS-e-TUTE's "search" page.

This page is also accessible to non-members.

Enter a keyword or search term, click the "search" button, and a list of resources relevant to your keyword will appear.

When you click on one of the resource links you will be asked for your username and password (if you have not already logged-in) and if you have the type of membership that gives you access to this resource you will be taken directly to that resource.

⚛ Use one of AUS-e-TUTE's Syllabus Study Guides.

Each Syllabus Study Guide provides a complete set of links to all the Teaching and Learning Resources directly relevant to that syllabus.

For example, you will find a Chemistry Syllabus Study Guide for each Australian State and Territory High School Chemistry Syllabus.

If we do not have a Syllabus Study Guide for your Syllabus, you can ask us to write one.

A "Quicklink" to the Syllabus Study Guides is provided at the top of the Members ONLY index page.
Clicking this link will take you straight to the section containing links to all the currently available Syllabus Study Guides.
For Australian High School Chemistry students, you can click on the relevant area of the Australian map at the top of the index page to be taken straight to your Syllabus Study Guide.

How to Find and Access a Resource from the Teachers ONLY Area of the Website (Teacher Resources Centre)

Only teachers who have registered as a "Teacher Member", or teachers registered as part of a "Group Membership" have access to this area.

After you log-in using the "Teacher log-in" button you will be on the index page of the Teachers ONLY area of the website (Teacher Resources Centre).

This page lists all the worksheet wizards and card games that you can access organised by branch of chemistry and topic.

There are a few different ways to find a resource on this page:

⚛ Scroll down through the entire list until you come to the resource you want, then click on the link to that resource.

⚛ Click on one of the "quicklinks" at the top of the page to go to that section of the page and scroll down through the links until you find the resource that you want.

⚛ Use the "find on this page" (or "find in this page", or "find") tool in your browser to enter a keyword and let your browser find the set of resources on this topic for you.

⚛ Use AUS-e-TUTE's "search" page.

This page is also accessible to non-members.
Enter a keyword or search term, click the "search" button, and a list of resources relevant to your keyword will appear.
When you click on one of the resource links you will be asked for your username and password (if you have not already logged-in) and if you have the type of membership that gives you access to this resource you will be taken directly to that resource.

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Can I link to a particular AUS-e-TUTE resource from our School's website (or other website)?

We understand that you and/or your School, may have its own way for students and teachers to access teaching and learning resources from a centralised calendar and/or website.
You can add links to AUS-e-TUTE resources to this calendar and/or webiste.

First, you need to navigate to the resource(s) you want to link to.

Copy the entire URL of the resource (from the address bar in your browser).
AUS-e-TUTE's website is very particular about URLs, you need to make sure you use the correct URL (starting with https://www.ausetute.com.au)

When you create the link to this resource in your calendar and/or website, make sure that you use the entire URL (URLs are also cAsE SenStiTiVe, and, our URLS always end in .html).

When a student or teacher clicks on the link you have created they will be asked for their username and password (unless they have already logged-in).
If the username and password is correct, and they are allowed to access that resource, they will be taken directly to that resource.
If the username and password is incorrect, or, if they do not have permission to access that resource, they will be taken to the default "error page".

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What to do if you can't find the resources you need, or, want to suggest new topics and/or resources

If you have tried unsuccessfully to find the resources you need using one or more of the methods outlined in the How to find and access resources above, then you should contact us.
In your email, please include the following information:

⚛ The "topic" you are looking for
(be specific, the more information you provide then the more helpful we can be, if you can provide an exampe of the kind of question you need addressed that is really helpful)

⚛ The "type of resource(s)" you are looking for
(Learning resources (tutorial?, game? test? exam? drill? syllabus study guide?), or, Teaching resources (worksheet wizard? quiz wizard? stimulus? learning activity? card game?)

⚛ The "educational level"
(Year 10? Year 11? Year 12? First year university?)

We will contact you either to request more information about what you need, or, to give you an indication of when the new resources will become available.
We will email you again when the new resources have been added. This email will tell you where the links to the new resources are located, and, provide the URLs so you can access them directly.

Don't be shy about contacting us to tell us what you need, or, to tell us about difficulties you experience when trying to find resources.
We welcome your feedback. Your feedback helps us improve the website for you and our other members.

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What to do if you think you have found an "error" or "mistake" on our website

If you think you have found an "error" or "mistake" on our website, please contact us immediately, even if you think the error is trivial (like a spelling mistake or grammatical error).
Please include the following information in your email to us:

⚛ The name ("heading" or "title") of the page containing the "error" or "mistake".

⚛ The URL of the page (see the address bar at the top of your browser).

⚛ Details of the "error" or "mistake" you have found
(The more detail you provide, the easier it is for us to locate and fix the problem)

⚛ The approximate location of the "error" or "mistake" on the page:
For "tutorials", "stimulus resources" or "interactive learning activities", this will be the name of the section (for example, the first worked example, key concept, etc)
For "tests" and "exams" this will be the number of the question (for example, question 1, question 2, etc)
For other resources like "games", "drills", "worksheet wizards", "quiz wizards" you may not be able to provide this information.

We will have a look at the problem, then email you with either:

⚛ An explanation of why it is not an "error" or "mistake"
(We will also include links to the relevant Learning Resources to help you gain a fuller understanding of this topic)

⚛ A confirmation that it was an "error" or "mistake" and when it will be corrected (or if it has already been corrected).
(If it takes a while for us to fix the problem, we will email you again as soon as the problem is fixed.)

While we try to ensure that our webpages go live without "errors" or "mistakes", let's face it, everyone can make mistakes.
So, don't be shy, just email us if you think we have made an "error" or "mistake".
Your feedback will help us either fix "errors" on pages, or, look at the explanation (including worked solutions) on our pages to see how we could improve them.

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What to do if you forget your username and/or password

⚛ If you are an individual "Student Member" or "Teacher Member", then you should email us at

from the same email address you used to register as a member and request a username and/or password reminder.

We will then email you your username and password.

⚛ If you are a Teacher who is registered with a "Group", you need to email us at

and include your name and the name of your School in your email and a request for a username and/or password reminder.

We will then email you your username and password.

⚛ If you are student who is registered with a Group (your class group or school), then you will need to contact your teacher who will be able to give you your username and password.

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What to do if you have a problem accessing or using AUS-e-TUTE's Members ONLY resources

The type of membership you paid for determines which resources you can access.
If you registered as a "Student Member" you can not access the "Teaching resources".
If you registered as a "Teacher Member" you can ONLY access the worksheet wizards and card games.
If you are registered with a "Group" then students and teachers can access all the learning resources as well as interactive learning activities, stimulus resources and quiz wizards, while teachers can also access the worksheet wizards and card games.

If you are trying to access resources that you should be able to access, but are having problems doing so, please read this section before contacting us.

If you can NOT access the index page https://www.ausetute.com.au from your device (that is, the page times out without loading), then you should:

⚛ Check that you are indeed connected to the internet

⚛ Try again later
(There may be a problem with our server serving the page to you which will be rectified in a little while. Our current server has been very reliable and we very seldom experience any down time).

Contact us if you have tried again later and have encountered the same problem.
Please include your IP address in your email to us (if you have tried multiple times to log-in with an incorrect username and/or password then your IP address will be blocked from accessing our website. We can unblock your IP address.)

If you can get https://www.ausetute.com.au to load into your browser, then the problem is most likely to be either with your username and password, or, with the settings of your browser.
Please check the following:

⚛ Correct username and password (remember these are CaSe SenSiTivE)

⚛ Version of browser (you may need to update your browser)

⚛ Pop-ups (pop-up windows) are enabled in your browser.

⚛ Javascript (active script) is enabled in your browser.

⚛ Cookies for ausetute.com.au are allowed in your browser.

Also disable any browser feature, such as "anonymous" or "incognito" browsing, or any installed "tracking" feature on your browser, that may interfere with accessing or using AUS-e-TUTE's Members ONLY resources.

After adjusting and saving (applying) the new settings, close the browser.
Re-open the browser and try to access the Members ONLY resources again.
You may also need to clear your cache and/or browsing history (this is especially relevant to Chrome users, eg, Google's Chrome or Microsoft's Edge Chrome).

If you still can't access the resources, try a different browser to access the same resources (The problem may be restricted to a recent update of a particular browser. This does happen occassionally, but is usually recitifed by the next browser update.)

If you still can not access Members Only resources, you will need to contact us.
Include the following information in your email:

⚛ Type of device you are using (and the operating system if you know it)

⚛ Name of the browser you are using (and version number if you know it)

⚛ A description of the problem (What did you do? What happened when you did this?)

We will get back to you as soon as we can with a solution to your problem.

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How to change your membership from one type to another type

We understand that you may be a teacher who opted to join AUS-e-TUTE as a "Student Member" or as a "Teacher Member" in order to find out whether AUS-e-TUTE's resources really will be helpful to you and your students before paying for a more expensive "Group Membership".

If so, it is possible to change your membership from a "Student Membership" or a "Teacher Membership" to a "Group Membership" if you contact us within the first 30 days of your membership and let us know that you would like to change your membership to a Group Membership.
In your email, please indicate whether we should:

(a) Invoice your school for the full amount of the "Group Membership" (if the school will re-imburse you for the cost of your original membership)

(b) Invoice you for the full amount of your "Group Membership" minus the cost of your original membership (if the school paid for your orginal membership)

After you contact us, we will email you the relevant "Group Membership Form".
You complete the form and return it to us (as per the instructions on the form).
We email you an invoice for the cost of your "Group Membership" (as per the information provided in your email).
You (or your school's bursor) pay the invoice.
After we have been notified that your payment has been made, we email you the list of usernames and passwords for students and teacher(s) to use to access AUS-e-TUTE's teaching and learning resources.

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What to do if you need to change the details of your membership

If you need to change the email address we need to use to contact you, please contact us.
In your email include the following information:

⚛ your username

⚛ the email address you want us to change (the "old" email address)

⚛ the email address you want us to use in future (the "new" email address)

If you are the "contact teacher" for a Group Membership and you need to change the list of student(s) and/or teacher(s) because a student and/or teacher has left the school (or the chemistry class), or, because a new student and/or teacher has been added to a class, then contact us and tell us the changes you would like to make to your "Group Membership".
In most cases there will be no additional charge for adding a few extra students and/or teachers during your membership year (unless the number of students to be added is excessive).
Similarly, we will not refund any money to you if the number of students and/or teachers falls below the number you paid for.

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How to renew your membership

If you are an individual Student Member AUS-e-TUTE will email you about a week before your membership expires.
This email will direct you to the page containing the "Buy Now" button.
Click the button and complete the payment.
Paypal emails you the details of your payment and notifies AUS-e-TUTE that the payment has been made.
AUS-e-TUTE emails you a confirmation of renewal, including your new expiry date.
Usually you will retain the same username and password.
If you don't need to renew your membership, you don't need to do anything. Your membership will expire on the "due date" and your username and password will be deleted from the database. AUS-e-TUTE will email you to let you know that you no-longer have access to AUS-e-TUTE's Members ONLY resources.

If you are an individual Teacher Member AUS-e-TUTE will email you an invoice for renewal of your membership about a week before your membership expires.
You pay the invoice online by the "due date" on the invoice.
Paypal emails you the details of your payment and notifies AUS-e-TUTE that a payment has been made.
AUS-e-TUTE emails you a confirmation of renewal, including the new expiry data.
Usually you will retain the same username and password.
If you don't need to renew your membership, you don't need to do anything. Your membership will expire on the "due date" and your username and password will be deleted from the database. AUS-e-TUTE will email you to let you know that you no-longer have access to AUS-e-TUTE's Teachers ONLY area of the website.

Renewing a Group Membership is a little bit different.
AUS-e-TUTE will email the "Contact Teacher" about a month before your Membership is due to expire.
You will need to email us a new list of students and teacher(s) so that we can prepare the invoice.
Because AUS-e-TUTE's resources are constantly updated, we like to reward "Groups" that have been with us from the early days of the website. We do this by invoicing you based on the same formula each year, this means, that if we change the formula we use to invoice new "Groups" then you will be unaffected, the new formula will not apply to your "Group" UNLESS you allow your membership to expire and your usernames and passwords are deleted from our database. If this happens, you will be treated as "New Members" and the most recent formula for calculating the cost of your "Group Membership" will be applied.
AUS-e-TUTE will email the invoice to the "Contact Teacher".
You pay the invoice using your preferred payment option.
If you pay online using a credit card or Paypal account, then Paypal notifies AUS-e-TUTE that a payment has been made.
If you pay by electronic funds transfer (direct debit) then you will need to email the "Remittance Advice" to AUS-e-TUTE as soon as possible as proof of payment.
After AUS-e-TUTE has been notified that a payment has been made, we email the "Contact Teacher" the complete list of usernames and passwords, including the new expiry date.
Usually, continuing students and teachers will retain the same username and password.
If you don't need to renew your membership, you don't need to do anything. Your membership will expire on the "due date" and your usernames and passwords will be deleted from the database. AUS-e-TUTE will email the "Contact Teacher" to let you know that you no-longer have access to AUS-e-TUTE's Members ONLY resources.

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How do I cancel my membership?

If you are a student who is no-longer studying chemistry, or a teacher who is no-longer teaching chemistry, and you no longer need your AUS-e-TUTE membership, then you don't really need to do anything.
Your AUS-e-TUTE Membership will expire on the "due date" and your username and password will automatically be deleted from our database at that time.

Until the expiry date of your membership, we will still send you emails once a month, and a week before your membership expires.
You can request that we delete your contact details from our database so that you will no-longer receive these emails.
Contact us and tell us you no-longer want to receive emails from us.

If you do request removal of your contact details from our mail-out database this does not mean that you will receive a refund of any money you have paid to us.
AUS-e-TUTE Memberships are active for 1 year from the date your details are entered into our database (see terms and conditions for more information).
Removal of your contact details from the "mail-out" database does not cancel your membership.

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What to do if you can't find the answer to your question on this page.

Please contact us and ask us your question.

We will reply to your email to answer your question as soon as we can.

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