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  1. Type a key word into the textbox to find an interactive learning activity, tutorial, test, exam, game, drill, worksheet or quiz wizard on this topic.
  2. Click on the "search" button.
  3. The results, a list of clickable links, will be displayed below the textbox.
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  4. If you would like to do another search, click the Reset button, then enter your new search term into the textbox before clicking the Search button again.

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Not an AUS-e-TUTE Member?

You will need to be an AUS-e-TUTE Member to access members tutorials, games, drills, tests and exams with worked solutions.

You will need to be either a student or teacher registered with a class or school group to access the interactive learning activities and online quizzes.

You must be a Teacher registered with an AUS-e-TUTE Group, or registered as an individual Teacher, to access the worksheet wizards.

You can find out more about AUS-e-TUTE Membership on our About Membership page.

You can become an AUS-e-TUTE Member on our registration page.

Need Help?

If you can't find a tutorial, test, exam or game on the topic you want,

email us at email us

and tell us what you need.