Metals and Non-Metals Introductory Chemistry Tutorial
Key Concepts
- Elements can be classified as either metals or non-metals (nonmetals) on the basis of their properties.
- Physical properties include:
⚛ appearance
⚛ density
⚛ melting point and boiling point
⚛ conductivity of heat and electricity
⚛ tensile strength (resistance to bending)
⚛ malleability (ability to roll into sheets)
⚛ ductility (ability to draw into a wire)
- Chemical properties include:
⚛ charge on ions formed from the element
⚛ type of bonding found in the element's oxides and chlorides
⚛ pH of the element's oxide
- Metals are found on the left hand side of the Periodic Table while non-metals are found on the right hand side.